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Brahmbhatt Jeevansathi

Brahmbhatt Jeevansathi is a leading matrimony service for Brahmbhatt, Barot, Rao, Dasandi, Inamdar residing in Gujarat, India, USA or in any country. By BrahmbhattSAMAJ.org and Brahmbhatt Yuva Navnirman Sena.

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Last updated on 03:38pm, 30 Sept 2020

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Brahmbhatt Directory

Brahmbhatt Directory is a service to make a complete database of brahmbhatt, barot people and their business with name and contact number.

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Last updated on 03:38pm, 30 Sept 2020

History About Brahmbhatt Samaj

Brahmbhatt (બ્રહ્મભટ્ટ) is an Indian surname and subcaste traditionally related to the Brahmin caste. Brahmbhatt is derived from the Sanskrit roots Brahm, meaning to grow, increase, and Bhatt, meaning Priest and possibly indicating the subcaste's position in both the Brahmin and Kshatriya varnas. Other surnames such as Barot, Rao, Bhatt, and Inamdar are related to Brahmbhatt.

It is mentioned in ‘Shrimad Bhagwad Gita’ that kings (Kshatriyas/ warriors) of that time used to get their daughter to ‘Rishi’ (Bhrahmins) in order to serve or worship them. The mixed breed of Bhrahmins and Kshatriyas were called ‘Brahmbhatt’= Bhrahm (Kshatriya) + Bhatt (Bhahmin). Thus, Brahmbhatt ‘Sanskar’ (knowledge) of Bhahmin, due to the Bhrahmin father and ‘Rakt’ (Blood) of Kshatriya, due to Kshyatriya Mother. There are some examples like 1. Chavan Rishi, great bhrahmin of his time, was made marry to a king’s daughter. 2. King Dushyant’s daughter was given to a rishi.

Brahmbhatts were given due respect in society and were called ‘Deviputra’ (Son of God). They used to be in ‘Rajdarbar’ (committee of the king) as a poet or adviser of king. Only Brahmbhatts had rights to speak against king or interfere in his talks of decisions. There is a saying in Gujarati ‘Raja no ghodo rokvano hakk fakta Barot nej’ it means, ‘Only Barot has right to stop horse of the King’. Brahmbhatts are very ready wit as, it is said, Goddess Saraswati is placed on their tongue and may be that’s the reason Brahmbhatts got surname of ‘Barot’= Bar (12) + Hoth (Lips), even Birbal was Barot. According to their role in the society and their talents, Brahmbhatts got different surnames like Barot, Dasondi, Inamdar, Rao, etc.

Barots emigrated from kingdoms of Rajasthan to Gujarat and then they were divided into different levels under their cast. Actually, Charan, Gadhvi, Vahivancha, etc (these are also cast of Barot) type of Barot used to work in Gujarat to keep ancestral records of Brahmbhatts and thus they are considered as a low cast Barot.(There are around 36 different sub cast of Brahmbhatts as a low level cast). Even today, we get people just keeping records; they roam in Gujarat, family to family of our cast and updates records for which they get some money. One may get lots of information about his family, of last 7 or more generations and also related stories of our ancestors. Amazing, isn’t it?

The interesting fact is, in the time of Gayekead King many Brahmbhatts got converted into Barot because ‘Baharvatiya’ (pirates of that time) were only leaving ‘Bawa (Sadhu/ Prophet), Baman (Bhrahmin) and Barot’ while raiding people. Baharvatiyas used to inform the person to be looted 24 hr ago sending them ‘Jasachitthi’ (Raid-note). Even Grandfather of my Grandmother was sent this Jasachitthi by Mirkha, a very famous pirate of his time, but he was not looted as pirates came to know that he was Brahmbhatt (Barot).

Eunuchs, even today, give due respect to Barot as we are Deviputra and in history, a Barot used to drive the horse-carriage of Goddess Bahuchara. Eunuchs believe in Goddess Bahuchara as she is their ‘Kud-devi’ (Progeny Goddess). So, now, if you come to India and have to face any eunuch just say that you are Barot, He/she will leave you.

When India become republic Barot cast were added in the list of SEBC (Socially and Economically Backward Cast) so they can get certain benefits from Govt. of being SEBC. Actually, Barots have never been SEBC but while kingdoms were getting merged in to Govt., All the kings were asked if they wanted to put any cast of his kingdom in the list of SEBC. As, Barots were adviser and very close to the King, even at that time, they asked kings to put Barot cast in SEBC list. And at that time also, many Brahmbhatts had changed their surname to Barot because Brahmbhatt cast were not included as a sub cast of Barot (Hindu-Barot as in constitution). Thus, never try to get any benefits from Govt. of India just because you are Barot, it is unethical!

Contact US

Vishal G. Barot

Email: barot.vishal@gmail.com

Phone:+91 9998789493

Website: BrahmbhattSamaj.org | BrahmbhattJeevansathi.com